ClearBlue Digital Ovulation PT Test Strips Pack of 10 Sticks

Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test
Product Code: HB-3393
Brand: Clearblue
Warranty: No Warranty
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 4,999
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Trying for a baby?

If you’re thinking about having a baby, being able to accurately predict ovulation will help you maximise your chances. Every woman is different and even if your cycles are regular, your fertile days are likely to vary cycle to cycle. Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is proven to help you get pregnant: it is an easy-to-use urine test that accurately tracks a key fertility hormone, luteinising hormone (LH), which increases rapidly 24-36 hours before ovulation. This means it can pinpoint your best 2 days to get pregnant, the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Knowing in advance which days you personally have the best chance of getting pregnant can make all the difference. The Clearblue Digital ‘smiley face’ is the indication you are looking for.

Key Benefits:

  • Pinpoints your two best days to get pregnant each cycle
  • Over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge before ovulation
  • Hormones are a more accurate predictor of ovulation than basal body temperature:
  • Our product accurately detects the days before, and not after ovulation.
  • Twice as accurate as traditional calendar methods (2)
  • Easy to use, and easy to read with the Clearblue ‘smiley face’





Proven to help you get pregnant

There are only a few days in each menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant, which is why it’s important to know which are your most fertile days. Our easy-to-use ovulation predictor kit detects the rise in luteinising hormone (LH) - a key fertility hormone that rises prior to ovulation - to accurately detect days BEFORE, and not AFTER ovulation. Get pregnant faster by using an ovulation test to identify your most fertile days (1).

Over 99% accurate

Detecting the LH surge is an accurate way to predict your most fertile days – it’s proven to be twice as accurate as traditional calendar methods(2)

(2) Comparing a simple calendar method to likelihood of conducting a test on LH surge day (Ellis J., et al. Hum Repro (2011) 26: i76.

Pinpoints your 2 most fertile days

Many women track their cycles with a calendar or an app but pinpointing your most fertile days is difficult without a true reading of what’s actually happening inside your body. ClearblueDigital Ovulation Test identifies your hormone levels to pinpoint your 2 days to get pregnant, the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

LH surge accurately predicts ovulation (2)

A surge in luteinising hormone (LH) occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation and is what causes an egg to be released ready to be fertilised. ClearblueDigital Ovulation Test detects the level of luteinising hormone (LH) to accurately predict ovulation (3)

(3) Data on file.

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